Environmental Pollution | Ideas to Reduce Pollution - HSEnest



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Friday, 27 March 2020

Environmental Pollution | Ideas to Reduce Pollution

Environmental Pollution |

Ideas to reduce environmental pollution

Environmental pollution prevention is the obligation of HSE practitioners. Here are the ideas to reduce environmental pollution in the organization.

Environmental Pollution | Ideas to Reduce Pollution
Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution - We all are aware of current worldwide concern is environmental pollution and how different types of pollution such as land pollution, water pollution, air pollution, etc. are affecting to glob. Prevention of pollution is one of the obligations of the HSE practitioners. To identified the main causes of pollution during the activities, aspect and impact assessment to be carried out within the organization.
Here are the ideas to reduce environmental pollution and control the effects of environmental pollution within the organization, which is beneficial to protect the environment. 

Environmental Pollution reduction ideas 

Obey the government Environmental Regulations

There are several environmental regulations formed by the government to reduce the pollution, according to the nature of your organization or as per the legal register, all applicable regulations must be identified and implemented.

These relevant regulations and its requirements should be complied within the organization to fulfill the legal requirement, breaching to the requirements such as releasing excessive SOX, NOX into the air, releasing higher PH level / contaminated water without treatment, landfilling without permission, etc. may impose disciplinary citations by the pollution control board.

The regulation requirements and parameters may differ from state to state, thus visit your state official pollution control board or central pollution control board web site and collect the information before initiate new project, expansion or major modification in organization.

Identify the ozone depletion gases in organization

Environmental Pollution | Ideas to Reduce Pollution
Ozone layer depletion

Many of industries are using various chemical compound containing gaseous chlorine and bromine such as CFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and methyl bromide, etc., releasing of these gases in the atmosphere can damage or gradually thinning the earth protective the ozone layer, the ozone layer which is very crucial to prevent the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation to reach at earth surface from the sun.

Ozone depletion gases may increase the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on earth, which increases the rate of global warming, skin cancer, genetic and immune system damage, other various diseases.

The prevention of these gases may help to protect the earth’s ozone layer and reduce the global warming effect on the earth.  To protect and enhance the ozone layer several international agreements legislated to stop the production and use of ozone-depleting chemicals in industries. As a result of constant international collaboration on this concern, the ozone layer is likely to improve over time.

Promote to use renewable resources

Environmental Pollution | Ideas to Reduce Pollution
Renewable Natural resources

A renewable resource is a resource which can be used repetitively and changed naturally. Renewable energy almost never ended, for example, sunlight, solar energy, wind, oxygen, freshwater, and biomass.

Atmospheric water generator

The atmospheric water generator is the latest technology that produces clean drinking water from the atmosphere, this AWG basic concept is condensates the humidity from the air and provides clean drinking water with added mineral, and also it is available in a wide range of capacity from 100 to 1000 liter per day.

Roof skylight in industries

The skylight can be defined as a special type of space provided in the roof or shed of the structure shielded with a translucent or transparent material to allow natural sunlight to come into the premises directly during the daytime.
Enabling the premises with roof skylight can reduce the huge amount of electricity and its costs for the illumination at premises during the daytime.

Wind turbine ventilator

Environmental Pollution | Ideas to Reduce Pollution
Wind Turbine Ventilator

Wind turbine ventilators are close as the name indicates, they are a ventilator that is driven by the wind to create effective ventilation in the premises. Wind turbine ventilator works on wind assisted ventilation and to operate it no electricity required. Turbine ventilators are with round metal vents fins in them. Even in just a little bit of wind can be sufficient for the turbo ventilator to rotate. The faster the wind, the quicker the turbine will rotate and exhaust the contaminated air from the premises.

Use of solar & wind energy to produce electricity

Solar power is the transformation of energy from sunlight into electricity, whichever directly using photovoltaics (PV), indirectly using intense solar power, or a combination. Photovoltaic cells change light into an electric current using the photovoltaic effect.

The wind turbine is a device which rotates with the help of wind and convert wind kinetic energy to electrical energy.

These both are the greatest renewable source to produce electricity at industrial premises, but electricity consumption is much higher due to various activities in the industries, thus it is not possible to completely rely on this source, but up to some extent, these sources can be helpful to reduce the consumption of the main source of electricity.

Conservation of natural resources and energy

Natural resources are resources that naturally exist without effort of humankind, for example, water, land, air, Fossil fuel, solar energy, wind, trees etc.
Natural resources may be divided into two types on the basis of origin,

Biotic – The biotic natural resources are obtained from the biosphere (living and organic materials), for example, forest, animals, fossil fuels, petroleum, coal, etc.

Abiotic – The abiotic natural resources are obtained from nonliving and non-organic material, for example, land, water, air, heavy metals, gold, iron etc.

Many natural resources can be categorized as renewable and non-renewable,
Renewable natural resources – Which can be replenished easily by naturally, their quantities are not affected by human consumption and these are available constantly, for example, solar energy, air, water, etc.

Non-renewable resources -    Which cannot be replenished by naturally (formation is extremely slow), their quantities are affected when their rate of consumption exceeds, for example, forests, fossil fuels, heavy metals, coal, petroleum etc.

Adequate measures shall be implemented to reduce the consumption of non- renewable energy such as save electricity, save water, save fuel, reduction in papers, reduction in plastics, etc.

Waste management and reduction at work site

Wastes are unwanted or useless materials which is discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use.

There are kind of waste according to form such as,

Solid waste – plastics, Styrofoam containers, bottles, cans, papers, scrap iron, and other trash.

Liquid waste - domestic washings, chemicals, oils, wastewater from ponds, manufacturing industries and other sources.

Waste are further divided as per their properties such as,

Bio-degradable – which can be degraded and that are less affected to the environment, for example - paper, wood, fruits, etc.

Non – biodegradable – Which cannot be degraded and that are very affected to environment, for example - plastics, bottles, old machines, cans, Styrofoam containers, electronics material etc.

Waste are classified according to their effects on human health and environment such as,

Hazardous waste - Substances unsafe to use commercially, industrially, agriculturally, or economically and have any of the following properties- ignitability, corrosively, reactivity & toxicity.
For example – Medical waste, chemical waste, radioactive waste etc.

Non Hazardous waste - Substances safe to use commercially, industrially, agriculturally, or economically and do not have any of those properties mentioned above. These substances usually create disposal problems.
For example – Food waste, organic waste, etc.

Waste management hierarchy can be used to evaluate the processes to control waste.
Environmental Pollution | Ideas to Reduce Pollution
Waste Management Hierarchy
Implement a policy for reducing paper or other waste to duplex all draft reports and by preparing training manuals and personnel information available electronically. Disposal of waste is the least effective solution and this process will impact on the environment.

Spill prevention in to the environment

Accidental spill or release of any harmful products in the air, water or land can damage or impact to the environment, all hazardous substances should be identified and adequate measures shall be taken to prevent spillage or release in the environment to avoid pollution.

Following factors shall be considered for spill prevention measures,
  1. Identify harmful materials for human health and the environment
  2. Storage of material
  3. Allowable storage quantity of material
  4. Storage arrangement & containers
  5. Secondary containment
  6. Spill prevention plan or Emergency response procedure
  7. Spill control team
  8. Safe disposal of contaminant

Implement a routine maintenance schedule

To increase the efficiency of machines routine/preventive maintenance schedules should be implemented within the organization. It can improve the life span of a machine and reduce the breakdown time as well,

Upgradation with technology

Antiquated technology or old machines may consume more energy and pollute the environment in different ways such as excessive noise pollution, and vibration, etc., thus modification in the technology or up-gradation in machinery shall be introduced for example automation to reduce energy consumption, changing lights into led, sensors to activate or stop machines  etc. to avoid pollution in the environment.

These are the ideas to reduce pollution and protect our environment effectively, meanwhile it will directly or indirectly increase the productivity and revenue in the organization.

If you have any other creative ideas which will help to reduce pollution in the environment, please do comment and share with all to protect the environment.

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